Un registro no exhaustivo de algunas de las cosas que he hecho, películas y series que he visto, artículos que he leído y podcasts que he escuchado en 2020. La publicación de un enlace aquí no significa que esté de acuerdo con su contenido.


Enero y febrero

En Español


TV Shows, movies & documentaries


Math & Computer Science

Compilers & low-level stuff
Computer security

Science & Economics

Politics & society

Surveillance capitalism


Marzo y abril

I thought this whole thing about a worldwide pandemic would have ended by now but I guess the whole world is stuck at home for at least a few weeks more, so here are some things that I liked reading or watching lately.

En Español


I am going to try to write here also things that are not very public-facing but still interesting, as a sort of diary. Some things I have done:


TV Shows, movies & documentaries

I have mostly watched films lately, here are the ones I liked the most in no particular order:


I kind of switched to reading more books and less articles during the lockdown, both as a sort of experiment and because the whole world kind of only talked about COVID-19 and I wanted to read about something else. The main conclusion is that reading fiction is a lot of fun, specially if it’s in Spanish and I don’t have to spend a lot of energy for doing it.

Math & Computer Science

Science & Economics

Politics & society


Mayo y junio

Happy? Pride. This bimonthly log edition is dedicated to Hatsune Miku, for her novel series Harry Potter.

En Español


Videos & Podcasts

TV Shows, movies & documentaries

I think I have never posted this here, but you can see all films I have watched since 2017 here. New films that I really liked in these past two months are:

Math & Computer Science

Science & Economics

Politics & society


Julio y agosto

En Español




Films & TV Shows

Board games

Math & Computer Science

Science & economics

Politics & society


Septiembre y octubre

Previous-to-last edition (!)

En Español



Films & TV shows

Board games

Math & Computer Science

Science & economics

Politics & society


Noviembre y diciembre

En Español


Films & books

Math & Computer Science

Science & economics

Politics & society

Politics in tech